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BookBub is another fantastic place to find book deals. You can set up a wish list of books and it will notify you if one of the books go on sale, like eReaderIQ. But that’s not its only fun feature. 

Every day, BookBub will send out a list of their daily deals, set to your preferences. All the books are under $4, and some are even free. So, you can test drive a series before you commit to buying them all at full price, or build up a library of standalones you wouldn’t get to read otherwise. Some of my favorite reads this year have come from BookBub, like Tattered Stars by Catherine Cowles. While it hasn’t made any of my top lists, it was a book I loved, and I never would have found it otherwise since it’s not on Kindle Unlimited. I’m now tracking the rest of the series on eReaderIQ and BookBub looking for them to go on sale. 

You can follow your favorite authors on BookBub too, in case any of their new releases go on sale. 

It’s also a great place for new authors. You can pay to advertise your book deal to thousands of readers. While I haven’t done it yet, I’m hoping to in the future when I have a bigger marketing budget. 

BookBub also has a tracking feature to record books you’ve read and will recommend other books based on your tastes. This means it can be used as an alternative to GoodReads. And if you’re an author, that means you can recommend your friends’ books as well. 

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Katya Summers started writing when she was eight years old. Then school and jobs and life got in the way. She’s thrilled to have found her way back to her passion. When she’s not writing, Katya enjoys reading, playing video games, and spending time with her husband and their three fur kids. 

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