Everybody Has a Story Podcast Appearance
My friend Jeff has been after me to appear on his podcast since he started it... and I finally did it!
Undated Digital Writer’s Planner
I'm back with another free planner for writers! This one is a digital planner. I designed it for an iPad Pro 11 because that's what I have. It's tabloid sized or 11" x 17", so it can still be printed if you really want, either on ledger sized paper or you can scale it...
Sprayed Edges Template for Vines by Brynne Asher
While I'm still learning how to spray edges myself, I started making Cricut templates for patterned edges. Since I am a big fan of not reinventing the wheel, check out this tutorial for painting sprayed edges with a stencil.
Sprayed Edges Template for the Five Packs Series by Cate C. Wells
I was a reader before I was a published author, so occasionally I design things with readers in mind. And I make them available for free!While I'm still learning how to spray edges myself, I started making Cricut templates for patterned edges. Since I am a big fan of...
Weekly Planner with Time Blocks
I know, I know, who am I with such a small catalogue to say I'm a good enough writer to provide resources to other writers? Well, I've been a professional graphic designer longer than I've been writing professionally. So, this is me sharing some of my designs for...
Using BookBub as a Reader
BookBub is another fantastic place to find book deals. You can set up a wish list of books and it will notify you if one of the books go on sale, like eReaderIQ. But that’s not its only fun feature. Every day, BookBub will send out a list of their daily deals, set...
I find 90% of the books I read on Kindle Unlimited. It’s not that I don’t want to buy books, but I’m a girl on a budget and I don’t have a lot of storage space for physical books. However, there are books I want to read that I can’t get on Kindle Unlimited, Libby, or...
A Guide to Hoopla
Libby is the most popular library app, but it’s not the only one out there. Hoopla is another free service provided by your local library. Unlike Libby, Hoopla doesn’t automatically give you access to all of its content. Instead, it gives you access to what your...
The Write Year: A Planner for Indie Authors
I know, I know, who am I with such a small catalogue to say I'm a good enough writer to provide resources to other writers? Well, I've been a professional graphic designer longer than I've been writing professionally. So, this is me sharing some of my designs for...
A Guide to Libby
You see Libby get referenced a lot in the online book world, but not everyone knows what it is. I will fully admit it took me an embarrassingly long time to actually figure out how you use it. So, I thought I’d explain it. Libby is a free online book borrowing service...